Three down, 13 to go.
Power outage. The episode began with setting up the nuclear reactor problem. James had been helping Raven monitor the reactor. He’s the same guy who wailed on Octavia last season. He also made fast friends with a girl named Cora. She worked with Priya. Anyway, the lights started to flicker indicating low power supply. James tried to raise a control rod to help the output but it couldn’t be done from the control room. Instead of getting Raven, he decided to try to do it manually. The increase in radiation proved fatal. No wonder Priya never let anyone go in there. The power went out and the coolant pressure dropped causing the core temperature to rise. 1500 degrees marked the point of meltdown and therefore death for everyone in Sanctum.
Russheidheda. Sheidheda pretending to be Russell is something! I like what JR Bourne is doing with the role. There is definitely a difference in demeanor and but it’s so subtle that not even the Believers seem to notice. There’s a darker undertone to his voice and he’s more calculating. Russell’s journal is like a comprehensive guide to being him. I bet Josephine wished she had one for Clarke. Also, Sheidheda has some of Russell’s last memories since his code was in the mind drive. I have to wonder where all of this is going. What is Russheidheda’s plan? Maybe he’ll try to make a move when Clarke leaves to rescue Bellamy, Octavia, Echo, and Gabriel. Will he eventually have to join forces with Clarke to stop the Disciples? Or will the Disciples join with Clarke to stop Russheidheda?
No Commander, no Wonkru. Indra playing proxy for the Commander was no longer good enough for Wonkru. When she asked for volunteers to fix the coolant pipes, they demanded to see the Commander. She was willing to oblige and I think she was getting tired of Clarke and Gaia sheltering Madi. Clarke wasn’t having it and Gaia decided to tell them the truth. She believed that they would accept it and that the six years spent in the bunker would be enough to hold them together. Indra disagreed. The Commander has held their society together for generations. Gaia told them everything. She told them how Sheidheda took over Madi and how she had to destroy the Flame to stop him. Members of Sangedakru were not happy at all! Sheidheda was their greatest champion, after all. I’m sure they’d join up with “Russell” if they knew he was Sheidheda. Indra was right. Without a commander, there’s nothing keeping Wonkru together. Thus, no volunteers to help with the reactor. Not even people from Skaikru would help. They probably knew what happened to James.
Last resort. Wonkru wouldn’t help and apparently, there were no non-Believers with welding skills. I guess Priya and Ryker did all the welding themselves. The Children of Gabriel definitely couldn’t help so Raven grudgingly went to the Eligius IV prisoners. They were Clarke’s first choice because of their welding skills but Raven was reluctant. She definitely held a grudge for their role in torturing her and Shaw. Anyway, she lied to them about the nature of the repairs, failing to mention that they would be sick for a few days afterward. Nikki was skeptical as she felt like people didn’t respect them. I think she also had a sense that Raven and everyone else saw them as expendable. Her boyfriend, Hatch, was willing to help in exchange for infinite Jo Juice.
Joining the Gray Side. Hatch and three others worked on the pipes while Emori went into primary containment to lower the control rods. Emori got them all done just in the nick of time. Nightblood kept her from dying but she got pretty sick. Murphy got sick too but he only went into secondary containment. Radiation levels had increased to dangerous levels but Raven opted not to tell them. One by one, they dropped dead so Murphy had to go in and help Hatch finish the job. Hatch showed his human side by telling Murphy that he had someone he loved out there (Nikki). They finish the job one degree before meltdown but it’s too late for Hatch. Murphy welcomed Raven to the World of Gray as she can no longer claim the moral high ground. She sacrificed a few to save the many. Nikki came in to find Hatch and the others dead and she is devastated. She pummeled Raven before the other Eligius IV prisoners pull her away. Raven was distraught but she now understands what Clarke has had to go through time and time again. I think this experience will make her slower to judge others for the choices they’ve made to save themselves and others.
Stay of execution. One of the Believers told Jordan that an attack was being planned at “Russell’s” execution. Without Wonkru to keep the peace, Sanctum would burn even if a nuclear meltdown could be averted. Jordan convinced “Russell” to address his people to quell any potential violence. He confused me when he said, “I’m not asking, my father’s son is”. Is that supposed to mean anything? “Russell” never met Monty so why would he care? Weird line. Anyway, “Russell” gives a speech telling the Believers that their faith has been one of peace. Someone in the crowd called Russell a false god before shooting him in the shoulder. The crowd of Believers reacted by pummeling the shooter to death. Clarke realized at that moment that executing Russell would plunge Sanctum into chaos. That was Russheidheda’s plan the whole time. The Believers played Jordan like a fiddle! The shooter was actually a Believer willing to die to save Russell. Russheidheda celebrates by eating a cookie. It was a very calculated plan. Russell could never but the Believers are none the wiser. I wonder what they’re going to do when they find out that Russell is already dead. Is that when they’re going to do the death by fire thing?
Other things. Raven is forever walking in on couples! Looks like Murphy and Emori aren’t working that hard to keep up the brother-sister ruse. Madi’s free of the burden of being Commander but I don’t think the Flame is quite done with her yet. She still has those memories which could come into play when Russheidheda is discovered. The Clarke/Gaia shippers got some more ammo this week. Gaia’s confiding in Clarke about her fears surrounding life post-Flame. Clarke’s confiding in Gaia about her fears that people will keep dying because of her. They’re getting close but I’m not getting on the boat right now.
Next episode is a big one! Clarke meets the Disciples and we get to find out about this “last war mankind will ever wage”.
I agree about JR doing a great job with the characters! Sheidy is just eveerrrr so slightly “off”, but not enough that the obsessive Believers, or the not-paying-attention Earthkru would notice. It’s pretty perfect. How Indra was so calm after Gaia broke Wonkru was impressive. I’d have not been!
I agree that this will hopefully give Raven some perspective that she desperately needs. I also need Claia to STOP. They can be friends, awesome, but this is just so out of left field, Idk where it is coming from.
OH and yeah that line from Jordan about Monty was weird. I swear the authors just have him mention Monty from time to time so we forget how annoying he is hah. Because like you said, even Russell didn’t know Monty, why would he care!? I know they had a talk about losing families, but Russell was 100% not concerned with Jordan’s family tree. Next thing we know, he’ll be citing Jasper and hoping for sympathy 😂 I am really REALLY hoping that things pick up a bit next episode. I just kind of don’t care a ton about this Sanctum nonsense? It’s like, all people we were never supposed to be particularly invested in, you know? Russell versus Crappy Heda versus Prisoners in Cryo versus CoG versus Disbanded Wonkru Redshirts versus Believers… none of these are characters we have grown to love or care about or have invested time in!