The 100 The Face Behind the Glass (6.04): Things of Note

In the words of Daggett Beaver: That was NUTS! This episode was a game changer! Let’s jump in!

Jordan’s guilt. Naming Day is also a day for unburdening yourself from guilt. Jordan tells Delilah about growing up on Eligius IV and all the faces behind the glass (roll credits!) he could see but couldn’t talk to. He feels guilty because he became that to his parents when he chose to go into cryo. I thought that was Monty’s idea! Anyway, it’s interesting how he’s able to tell Delilah his feelings about his parents and yet couldn’t even stay in the room when Raven attempted to talk about them. Delilah is not on a pedestal in his mind so it may be easier to talk to her than it is to talk to Clarke and co. He’s actually spent more time with Delilah than with Clarke and co. I love his romance with Delilah but I would really like to see him bond with Clarke and co more. There were hints of protective big brother with Madi when he covered her ears after Raven made a joke about his “sleeping”. Side note: Jordan shed his anxiety about sleeping with Delilah real quick!

Goodbye Delilah, hello Priya VII. Just as I thought, Delilah was erased and replaced by Priya. There were a few clues that she knew what was up but telling Jordan not to let her become the “face behind the glass” was a big one. It was almost like it was a code for “save me”! Priya VII looked at Jordan as if to say “umm…who are you?” Poor Jordan looked so crushed. His first romance ends just as quickly as it began. However, I think he’s going to try to figure out what the actual hell happened to Delilah and then try to get her back. Also, Blythe Ann didn’t seem to broken up about losing her daughter forever. It’s an honor to have birthed and raised a host so I’m thinking that overrides any sense of loss (publicly anyway).

Raven sulks. Part of Naming Day is to make amends for all your sins. Raven no sells Clarke’s attempts at this and proceeds to be a party pooper. I understand, I really do. She’s been through a lot! She spent the majority of season 5 imprisoned and tortured. Her surrogate mom tortured her for drugs. Her friend sold her and her boyfriend out to a psychopath/sociopath (which one was McCreary anyway?!?). She got 8 seconds of happiness before her boyfriend was killed by radiation electrocution. This girl would be right at home on Shortland Street. Everyone gets a turn as “butt monkey” on that show! Anyway, I think Raven’s anger at Clarke is more than just these recent events. When she said “Every time you do something horrible, you say you’re sorry. And then you do it again.”, I think she was thinking of what went down with Finn in season 2 too. Clarke being around when Shaw died may have reopened that wound for her. So, I understand why she isn’t as quick to forgive Clarke as some of the other Spacekru folks. All that being said, I’m actually starting to get a little bit aggravated with her constant state of woe! Can she not be such a passenger on this trip?! I hope working on those bikes and learning to ride them will be the start of some sustainable happiness. A new friend helps too.

Anti-Prime Prime. Meet Brice Ryker, Raven’s new friend and a Prime who doesn’t seem to want to be a Prime. Instead, he just wants to hang out in his machine shop all day working on bikes. The original Ryker was a kid so maybe that’s why he doesn’t care for the obligation. I think there’s more to it than that though. I sensed some tension between him and Russell. Also, when Delilah ran over to kiss Jordan, the crowd cooed but Ryker looked away and hung his head. There was a bit of uneasiness in his face when his mother, Priya formerly known as Delilah, hugged him. He was definitely happy to “see” her but I think maybe he was genuinely sad that Delilah was gone. More on this in the theory post but I don’t think he really agrees with this Naming Day ritual.

Doctor Mole. Turns out, Killian Cillian is a Child of Gabriel! After seducing and sleeping with Clarke, he revealed himself subtly at first with a quote from the Crucible which is banned in Sanctum because it’s Satan’s favorite. I think his plan was to reveal things gradually but Clarke finding his drawings with her face circled blew that up. Of course, shooting Clarke with paralytic darts drew attention of the guards and he does the spy thing of killing himself to avoid spilling the beans. Too bad Shaw didn’t have that radiation-screen gel! Anyway, I have questions! How did he manage to entrench himself in there as the doctor? Did he slip in, kill their actual doctor and steal his identity? Was he born in Sanctum but switched sides after becoming a doctor and finding out what was happening to the hosts? Is there a sleeper cell in Sanctum? So much to speculate on!

Bellarke crumbs. Next stop on the Clarke apology tour is Bellamy. He is much more accepting. Clarke tells Bellamy that her is her family and that he’s important to her. They then share a hug where they both heave a huge sigh of relief. The strain has been lifted and they can properly move forward. To me, these moments represent the mending of a close friendship. To some other people, they are evidence that Clark and Bellamy have feelings for each other and should be romantically involved. I refer to these moments as crumbs because they are small and patently unfulfilling for people who ‘ship them. I don’t care either way but it’s so refreshing to see a male and female lead have a strong platonic relationship. Everything doesn’t have to be a love thing!

More Echo backstory. Echo tells Bellamy the story of how Queen Nia’s army killed her father after he resisted land seizure. She and her mother hid in the cellar but the army decided to set the place on fire to force them out. Her mother died in this fire and Queen Nia took her in. Her mom telling her not to cry may have been the first time Echo was told to dampen her emotions. Becoming Queen Nia’s spy only added to her “emotionlessness”. Clearly, it’s something she tried hard to forget about because according to Bellamy, she was more open on the ring. This is where Becho would have benefited from some set up. In what way did Echo open up? Maybe she told him some of the later things that happened but not the core wound stuff. Bellamy clearly cares about Echo on a deep level because he looked a bit heartbroken when she was telling the story. Despite the beginnings of their relationship happening offscreen, I can see a connection there.

The dynamic duo of Octavia and Diyoza. I thought Raven and Diyoza were a buddy cop comedy waiting to happen but Octavia and Diyoza fit the bill even more! Octavia is the moody one and Diyoza is the wisecracker. Jason Rothenberg said that this is his favorite dynamic this season. From what we’ve seen so far, I’m loving it! It’s going to be fun watching those two ride around the living forest. Diyoza could teach Octavia a few things too including think before you act. They, along with Jade, almost saved Rose but remnants of the band of Grounders 2.0 kill her as Octavia is fighting them. Diyoza had made a deal with Jade that if she saved Rose, her daughter could live in Sanctum. With Rose dead, the deal is off but if Diyoza can take out the old man (who just might be Gabriel), Russell will surely reinstate it. She may not want the deal after she finds out why Children of Gabriel are fighting against The Primes.

Russell gets his evil on. We were so on, fandom! We learn there are no more (Sanctum) hosts since Rose is dead. We also learn that the host has to be 21 (when brain development is mostly complete) before they can do the ritual. Josephine is third in line so they’d have to wait 56 years to get her back. Russell took advantage of Cillian’s paralytic darts to jump the queue. I sensed some conflict in him because it seemed like he actually cared about Clarke and didn’t want to hurt her. At the same time, I think he felt like he was doing her a favor by giving her “peace”. In his mind, they both get what they want. I like my antagonists with a bit of inner conflict! It adds complexity and intrigue to them. Anyway, Josephine’s consciousness is stored in a chip similar to The Flame. I wonder if there’s A.L.I.E. 1.0 code in there similar to how the A.L.I.E 2.0 is in The Flame. Poor Clarke looked absolutely terrified! This time, we got to see the process. It’s exactly like The Flame except they inject the host with a clearing serum to erase their consciousness. Clarke is now 100% Josephine complete with the hair twirling habit. Russell still hates it but is so happy to “see” his daughter that he doesn’t mind so much. They’ll have to keep it a secret from everyone since they jump the queue.

Other Things. We get our first mention of The Anomaly! The “old man” might be on the other side of it but none of Xavier’s crew wants to go through it. Speaking of Xavier, the Lincoln parallels are strong! Just like Lincoln, Xavier saved Octavia which put him off sides with his crew. It appears he’s the only one left of his band. Of course, he and Octavia (plus Diyoza) will meet again…maybe in The Anomaly. Madi eating her first cookie was so cute. All the Sanctum food looks and tastes delectable! Contrast that with the bright red jerky Xavier was trying to feed Rose. Can’t really blame her for not wanting that stuff after eating luxury her whole life!

Whew! And that’s my take! Until next time!

2 thoughts on “The 100 The Face Behind the Glass (6.04): Things of Note”

  1. I agree with you SO much on a lot of this! You know, I wonder if Jordan is so comfortable with his sexuality *because* he didn’t live in “normal” society? I mean, I am sure Marper laid on the PDA pretty thick, hah, and he didn’t know anything else so he can just… be freeeee. I like it. But my heart broke for him and especially for Delilah. She had such a lovely spirit, and you can see that it’s GONE. I think when D told him “don’t let me be the face behind the glass”, she was trying to tell him to move on, that she wasn’t really “in there”, but I hope your theory is right. I hope she IS still in there, but my money’s on the Flame protecting Clarke, and D doesn’t have that protection, sadly. Again, I REALLY hope I’m wrong because she’s one of the only people on Sanctum I really liked- her, and Jae the Cookie Dude hah.

    Raven… UGH. Like you, on one hand I CAN see why she is so mopey! Like, girl has been through a LOT. But I feel like she’s taking it out on someone who doesn’t deserve it. Like Clarke made ONE mistake (and killing Finn wasn’t among them- I think she absolutely did the merciful and “right” thing there, as awful as it was), but Clarke also saved everyone countless times. Idk, I hope that you’re right and Raven gets back into fixing junk with her new pal ha. And by “fixing junk”, I absolutely mean Clarke!

    I still don’t feel Becho. I like Echo, and I am glad we got more of her backstory. I do agree that Bellamy absolutely cares for her, but… not in the same way he cares for Clarke, not even close. And Echo deserves better, tbh.

    O and Diyoza are EVERYTHING, and I am so excited for them to meet up with Xavier again! I like him too, so far. Mostly because he is clever and didn’t kill little kids, which apparently is enough around here 😂

    UGH RUSSELL. Why is he like this? I mean, if you live literally forever, what is 56 years really? Which, admittedly is still horrible because they’re killing someone, but at least the person is (kind of) consenting? Which of course brings up a whole OTHER topic, of how this is basically some kind of suicide cult but that’s a topic for another time hahah. I am SO EXCITED for tonight’s episode! LOVE your recap as always!!

    1. As always, thanks for reading and commenting. You make a good point about Jordan’s sexuality. I hadn’t thought of that! He may not have gotten the mechanics at first but Marper definitely showed him what a loving and caring relationship looks like. I was really leaning on the hopeful side for Delilah but you might be right. She could be in there but unrecoverable. So sad for both her and Jordan! 😢 I’m liking Xavier so far too…much more than the rest of his band who didn’t seem to like him very much. I agree about Finn. Hundreds of cuts is a miserable way to die and Clarke spared him from that. Hopefully Raven will come around to help save Clarke.

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