The 100 Theories and Questions: Children of Gabriel (6.03)…and beyond

I actually don’t have a ton of theories for 6.03. Most of these are likely going to come up later. Anyway, let’s go in!

Murphy’s coma. I think our friend the 26-eyed snake is responsible. In the trailers, the snake is biting someone and black veins are seen. Murphy has these same black veins on his chest so it would make total sense that the snake’s venom did that. The snake could live in the water and may have bit him when Bellamy was trying to drown him. Murphy could have also been bitten while he, Bellamy and Clarke were knocked out. If that’s the case, why just Murphy? Did the snake sense his darkness? I presume that while in this coma, Murphy sees the thing that makes him “pretty sure [he’s] going to hell.” Maybe the snake’s venom induces visions of past sins and future damnation.

Gabriel started Grounders 2.0. We don’t really see Gabriel interact with Mr. Lightbourne (OG Russell?) but I don’t think they saw eye to eye. Also, the writers posted a script segment on Tumblr and it mentions that Gabriel’s picture is not among The Primes Clarke and Co saw in 6.01 (credit to Shannon Miz at It Starts at Midnight for pointing this out). Gabriel wasn’t just an ordinary passenger. He was the geneticist who likely made the embryos so I would think he’d be up there too. Gabriel probably challenged OG Russell’s authority after the psychosis and somehow was shunned by the rest of the primes, including Josephine. He took a small band of people with him (plus some of the embryos) and Grounders 2.0 was born.

The commander that scares Madi is not one of the Grounder commanders. In the first trailer, Madi is shown strapped to some kind of machine. I think that machine is going to alter the AI and this scary commander will appear. I’m leaning towards it being Gabriel. I think Grounders 2.0 are more technologically advanced than the Earth Grounders so they could be the ones that strap her to the machine. They do attack her, Gaia, and Diyoza in 6.03 so maybe they take her then. Another thought is that King Russell’s peeps are the ones who alter the AI to distort the opinion of Grounders 2.0.

Cockamamie question: Were the Sanctum folks who hijacked the ship so worried about the dead bodies because they’ll come back and be evil at some point? Maybe this happens at the next eclipse. If yes, that means Shaw’s coming back to life y’all! They totally could have shot a bunch of stuff for future episodes before Jordan Bolger became unavailable.

The Anomaly. Jason Rothenberg teased a thing called the Anomaly that is tied to the green aurora. I don’t have much to go on but I have a couple thoughts. I’m thinking it could be a portal to another dimension/plane. Or it could be an area of the moon that is “living” and attacks people. This might be where “the harder you fight, the faster you die” guy (still don’t know his name yet) lives. I’m almost sure Octavia ends up there and she’s either going with Bellamy and Echo in 6.03 or Diyoza later on.

Did King Russell order the hijacking? My first thought is no and that the hijackers are actually dissenters who don’t want to stay on Sanctum anymore. Then again, there might be a “once in a blue moon” event coming that will make the moon completely unlivable . They could have been working on a way to solve the problem and saw the arrival of our heroes as an opportunity to leave.

And that’s my take! Until next time.

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